I found these in the dollar spot section at Target today!!! They were just what I was looking for (without really knowing that I wanted them, haha). No, really! I have so many fun little odds and ends for Sadie, but not really anything special for Kelsey. Then these popped up! ---all the exclamation points let people know how excited I am.
Don't they look wonderful?
With the help of my husbands empty protein container, we have a great way to store them. Plus, Kelsey thought it was perfect....so you know it is.
They fit in the tub so perfectly! I had bought 4 bags. She really does love them.
The girls sat at their special little table and stayed there for quite some time. I wanted to use them to teach Kelsey about different ways to group them. Lately, I have really been thinking about toy purchases, and (since my kids have plenty of random toys) I wanted to get them toys that educate them as well as provide me with the opportunity to teach them. Don't get me wrong, I am all for unstructured play and my favorite thing for my girls to do is just pretend, but like I said....I was hoping to have just a little more learning in the midst of it all.
First, we grouped them by shape. Kelsey was pretty stuck on those circles.
and of course we took the time to count each one. |
I encouraged Sadie to use the blocks too and help her sister find many uses for them. Which later led to them building towers and a block wall to separate their space.
Next, we got all the yellow shapes together. Kelsey wanted to line them up perfectly.
all that concentration is so adorable! |
yes, that IS laundry that needs to be put away....tomorrow. haha |
The girls were sharing (another awesome thing to ATTEMPT to instill in a 2 and 4 year-old).
I think I will have to use these shapes with Sadie and play a pattern game! I am very happy with my $4 purchase. It was a cheap, but well thought out.
I have to say that I am so grateful that I can stay home with my kids. I truly cherish every moment with them, and there is NO place I would rather be. I learn more from them, then they learn from me. Every SAHM has rough days, but it is all worth it.